CryptoKami – a Decentralized Reserve System
Additionally, CryptoKami operates on its own behalf like the US Federal Reserve (FED) by distributing and regulating the system’s KAMI Tokens based on the principle of the Compulsory Reserve Mechanism (Comreme Algorithm — CryptoKami ‘s invention) through the Regulatory Contract (CryptoKami’s invention) so financial service organizations operate based on CryptoKami platform and act as commercial banks on the system. The CryptoKami platform issues and regulates the limited 210M KAMI tokens under the Compulsory Reserve Mechanism (Comreme Algorithm) through the Regulatory Contract for various needs corresponding to its various main functions.
While all the”Blue chip” cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Ripple, Cardano, Stellar are focused on transaction processing, CryptoKami focuses on the automatic regulation of cryptocurrency flow in its ecosystem by the Compulsory Reserve mechanism (Comreme Algorithm) via the Regulatory ContractContract. CryptoKami’s technology and KAMI tokens will reestablish a regulated balance for the cryptocurrency market in the Wild-West industry.
For third party finance:
Build and run “Blue-Chip” -coin futures contract under mandatory reserve mechanism
Build and run Exchange crypto cross-chain mandatory backup mechanism
Establish and operate banking services under mandatory backup mechanism
- Crypto deposits
- Credit repo crypto
- Cross network payment
- Crypto-Fiat payments
For end users:
Invest in CryptoKami’s ICO under mandatory backup mechanism
Invest in the next financial third party that launches ICOs on CrpytoKami
Trading on CryptoWe “Blue-Chip” -coin futures contract under the mandatory reserve mechanism. Trading in CryptoWe Cross-network crypto foreign under mandatory reserve mechanism
Lurking CryptoOur banking services under the mandatory backup mechanism
-Crypto deposits
- Credit crypto repo
-Cross payment network
-Crypto-Fiat payments
The third party financial owner of the next ICOs and the end user as investors, holder, trader, user banking service must use OUR tokens, so creating a massive increase demand on OUR Token. But the transaction of tokens (‘flow’), so WE proof of supply is reduced. Therefore, according to the rules of Supply and Demand, Crypto We have created strong and sustained short-, medium and long-term self-growth machines for OUR Tokens.
While all “Blue-Chip” coins such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, Cardano and Stellar focus on processing transactions, CryptoWe focuses on automated crypto flow regimes through contract rules (Comimate algorithms) through contract rules. CryptoWe’s technology along with the signs WE will rebuild the balance set for the crypto market in the wild-west industry.
In May 2017, Crypto Procurement of Weoboros proof of algorithm share (third generation blockchain) is based on Cardano, which determines how each node reaches consensus about the network. The algorithm is an important part of infrastructure that supports WE cryptocurrency and the major innovations in blockchain technology. Ouroboros eliminates the need for hungry energy proof work protocols, which stands as a barrier to upscaling blockchain for much wider use.
Ouroboros is the first proof of the provision of safe protocol of stock protocols and the first to go through peer review through acceptance in crypto 2017, the leading cryptographic conference. The level of security demonstrated by Ouroboros comparing with Bitcoin in blockchain, which has never been compromised. The key features and the core technologies are listed below:
Open source Cardano (Ouroboros evidence share algorithm) + mandatory backup mechanism Comedy algorithm (CryptoKami’s invention) + Rule of contract (CryptoKami’s discovery) = blockchain 3rd generation infrastructure CryptoKami
CryptoKami Platform and KAMI Token
Coin type: Standalone Blockchain TokenCoin name: KAMI token
+ Proof of Stake Blockchain based on Cardano
+ Regulatory Contract
+ Algorithm
+ Comreme Algorithm
+ Ouroboros POS
Standard: third-generation blockchain
Total Controlled supply: 210,000,000 KAMI
Crowdsale Token: 45,000,000 KAMI
KAMI Tokens can be stored on:
+ PC Wallet: Window, Linux, Mac
+ E-wallet:
+ Mobile Wallet: Android app, iOS App
CryptoKami is a standalone Proof of Stake blockchain network, integrated smart contract technology, and a third-generation blockchain. KAMI (Kami Token) is a standalone Blockchain Token and an open protocol for decentralized exchanges. It is intended to serve as a basic building block that can be combined with other protocols for increasingly sophisticated control. It allows KAMI Token owners to diversify their portfolio by accessing tags related to the price of the property. KAMI Tokens allow property owners to unlock valuable assets by creating and selling or borrowing their property cards. The platform extends the liquidity and transparency of assets and reduces transaction costs. It also provides the owner of the KAMI Token detection and price diversity across multiple asset classes as it allows the creation or posting of third-party notifiers in accordance with the disclosure and management regulations and the KAMI Token contract.
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